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Tech Against Trump
Tech Against Trump is a book chronicling the rising tide of anti-Trump resistance by tech workers and technologists.
The book consists of interviews with a wide range of individuals either working within the tech sector to fight Trump, or finding creative ways to use technology to resist the Administration’s policies.
It also includes dozens of watercolor illustrations from various protests around the Bay Area by artist Gretchen Röehrs, as well as painted portraits of each of the interviewees.
You can find the book’s table of contents below, with links to each of the interviews published in full.
To read it as originally published (including the protest illustrations by Gretchen and copious footnotes that we couldn’t figure out a decent UX for on the web), buy it in print or digitally as a PDF in our webstore.
“A World to Win,” with Matt Schaefer and Kristen Sheets from the Tech Workers Coalition
Two organizers from the Tech Workers Coalition discuss the obstacles and opportunities for tech organizing under Trump.
“Organizing the Valley,” with Maria Noel Fernandez from Silicon Valley Rising
Maria shares lessons from organizing Silicon Valley’s service workforce, and how it fits into the fight against Trump.
“The Other Tech Workers,” with David Huerta from SEIU United Service Workers West
The president of SEIU United Service Workers West reflects on the potential for solidarity between blue-collar and white-collar tech workers.
“Solidarity Forever,” with Maciej Cegłowski from Tech Solidarity
Maciej discusses how tech workers can organize not just to defeat Trump, but to transform their industry as a whole.
“Encrypt Like Everyone’s Watching,” with Steve Phillips from CrypTag
Steve shares advice on how to secure your digital communications at a time of heightened government surveillance.
“Border Control,” with Alex Gil from the Device Security at the Border Workshop
Alex discusses device searches at the border, and how to protect your information from border agents.
“The War On Data,” with Laurie Allen from DataRefuge
A lead coordinator of DataRefuge describes the project: an interdisciplinary undertaking of librarians and coders who are rescuing public data from the Trump Administration.
“The Great California Firewall,” with Dave Maass from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Dave talks about the EFF’s efforts to curb California’s data sharing with Washington, in an effort to prevent the Trump Administration from obtaining the information it needs to implement its agenda.
“It Can Happen Here,” with Valerie Aurora and Ka-Ping Yee from the Never Again pledge
Two of the organizers of the Never Again pledge discuss its origins, and reflect on how tech workers can resist building tools for Trump.
“This Platform Kills Fascists,” with Nathan Schneider on Platform Cooperativism
Nathan discusses the internet’s democratic deficit, and how it facilitates Trumpism—and what we can do about it.
“Saving Net Neutrality,” with Ernesto Falcon from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Ernesto talks about what the Trump Administration’s assault on internet freedom will look like, and how to stop it.
“Hacking Abortion Access,” with Kate Bertash and other organizers of the Abortion Access Hackathon
The participants of the Abortion Access Hackathon share a few code projects designed to protect reproductive rights in a hostile political climate.
“The Lean Resistance,” with Jason Putorti and Jen Aprahamian from Resistbot
The creators of Resistbot talk about the importance of lowering barriers to civic engagement.
With portraits and protest illustrations by Gretchen Röehrs.