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We Be Imagining partnered with Logic to create what the scholar and organizer Seeta Peña Gangadharan calls “a body of work that cannot be ignored.” This special issue of the magazine presents a collection of interdisciplinary essays, interviews, poetry, and visual art that offers a material strategy and vision for abolitionist technologies. At a time when despair about our technological future has reached a high, the issue aims to go beyond mere critique to serve as a beacon of new possibilities.
A Body of Work That Cannot Be Ignored
What does it mean to “Get Out!” in the twenty-first century? How do we build fugitive technologies?
Technologies of Black Freedoms: Calling On Black Studies Scholars, with SA Smythe
Refusing to see like a state.
(dis)Info Studies: André Brock, Jr. on Why People Do What They Do on the Internet
A conversation about the unholy trinity of whiteness, modernity, and capitalism.
Organizing as Joy: An Ocean-Hill Brownsville Story, with Tranae Moran and Fabian Rogers
A conversation about dismantling surveillance the Brooklyn way.
Holding to Account: Safiya Umoja Noble and Meredith Whittaker on Duties of Care and Resistance to Big Tech
Critique and capture in the strange space of “AI ethics.”
The Oversight Bloc
An investigation into how tech workers and community organizers fought the San Diego surveillance state.
Ontology of God and Other Poems
A series of poems clocking the commonplace and the sacred, with a foreword by Joshua Bennett.
Account Withheld: A Kashmir Story
A graphic story about internet shutdowns in Kashmir.
Beyond Dark Matter
A tween zine about time traveling and overthrowing master technologies.
Cover by Cy X.